We believe that our key factors to success are matching the right person with the right job and providing an environment where our staff can excel in their performance.
We offer promising long-term prospects and competitive remuneration packages to suitable candidates. If you are interested in working with us, please browse through job vacancies.
Shun Tak Holdings (Macau) Limited is a subsidiary of Shun Tak Holdings Limited and a leading listed conglomerate with core businesses in the transportation, property, hospitality and investment sectors.
Shun Tak Holdings (Macau) Limited is a subsidiary of Shun Tak Holdings Limited and a leading listed conglomerate with core businesses in the transportation, property, hospitality and investment sectors.
Shun Tak Holdings (Macau) Limited is a subsidiary of Shun Tak Holdings Limited and a leading listed conglomerate with core businesses in the transportation, property, hospitality and investment sectors.
We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Interested parties should send the detailed resume with expected salary to The Group Human Resources, 398 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao Edificio CNAC, 11 andar, NAPE, Macau or email to recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com or contact (853) 8296 3263 for inquiries.
(All applications received will be used exclusively for employment purpose only.)
珠海横琴信德房地产开发有限公司,是香港上市公司信德集团有限公司 (香港联交所股份代号: 242) 附属公司。现正开发一幅位于珠海市横琴新区的综合用地,项目地盘面积为二万三千八百三十四平方米,将兴建面积约四万二千三百平方米的办公大楼、四万五千五百平方米的零售设施、一万六千七百平方米的酒店物业及三万二千八百平方米的服务式住宅,以及一千三百一十一个泊车位。
我们为雇员提供长远的发展愿景,以及具竞争力的薪酬和福利制度。有意者请注明申请编号,以及现有及期望之待遇,把求职信及个人履历电邮至 zouyan@shuntakhengqin.com。
珠海横琴信德房地产开发有限公司,是香港上市公司信德集团有限公司 (香港联交所股份代号: 242) 附属公司。现正开发一幅位于珠海市横琴新区的综合用地,项目地盘面积为二万三千八百三十四平方米,将兴建面积约四万二千三百平方米的办公大楼、四万五千五百平方米的零售设施、一万六千七百平方米的酒店物业及三万二千八百平方米的服务式住宅,以及一千三百一十一个泊车位。
我们为雇员提供长远的发展愿景,以及具竞争力的薪酬和福利制度。有意者请注明申请编号,以及现有及期望之待遇,把求职信及个人履历电邮至 zouyan@shuntakhengqin.com。
University fresh graduated students are welcome
We offer long-term career prospects and competitive remuneration packages to the right candidates. Interested parties should send the detailed resume with expected salary to The Group Human Resources, 398 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao Edificio CNAC, 11 andar, NAPE, Macau or email to recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com or contact (853) 8296 3263 for inquiries.
我們為僱員提供長遠的發展願景,以及具競爭力的薪酬和福利制度。有意者請註明申請編號,以及現有及期望之待遇,把求職信及個人履歷電郵至 recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com。
我們為僱員提供長遠的發展願景,以及具競爭力的薪酬和福利制度。有意者請註明申請編號,以及現有及期望之待遇,把求職信及個人履歷電郵至 recruitmacau@shuntakgroup.com。
Properties Sub F, Limited is a joint venture of the Shun Tak Group responsible for managing a mixed-use complex “One Central” in Macau. Shun Tak Holdings Limited is a leading listed conglomerate with core businesses in the transportation, property, hospitality and investment sectors.