Shun Tak Holdings Limited has no relations with 「信德集團線上APP」or 「香港信德股票有限公司」


Key Financials

Income Statement HighlightsDownload

(HKD’ million)1H241H232023202220212020
Revenue and other income2,3011,6844,4063,6674,9774,472
Adjusted EBITDA14151578137322,1952,463
Profit/(loss) attributable to Owners of the Company(428) (425)(677)(558)962262
Adjusted profit/(loss) excluding fair value changes on investment properties(108)(274)(209)(102)1,0521,089
Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share (HK cents)(14.2)(14.1)(22.4)(18.5)31.98.7
Total dividend (HK cents)
Payout Ratio2
  1. Adjusted EBITDA = Operating Profit – fair value changes on investment properties + depreciation and amortisation + share of results of associates and joint ventures#
    # Share of results of associates and joint ventures excludes the shares of the revaluation surplus from those investment properties that are owned by associates and joint ventures
  2. Payout ratio: Total dividends / Adjusted profit attributable to owners of the Company##
    ## Adjusted profit attributable to owners of the Company excluded the effect of net revaluation change of investment properties held by the Group, associates and joint ventures and one-off disposal gain, but included the effect of net realised revaluation surplus of investment properties sold.

Revenue and Other Income by Division *

  • * Revenue and other income by division excludes interest income and unallocated income

Adjusted EBITDA *** (HKD’ million)

  • *** Adjusted EBITDA = Operating Profit – fair value changes on investment properties + depreciation and amortisation + share of results of associates and joint ventures## Share of results of associates and joint ventures excludes the shares of the revaluation surplus from those investment properties that are owned by associates and joint ventures #
  • # Share of results of associates and joint ventures excludes the shares of the revaluation surplus from those investment properties that are owned by associates and joint ventures