We, Shun Tak Holdings Limited (“Shun Tak”) are concerned to ensure that all personal data submitted to us are handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong (“Ordinance”).
When you visit this Website, the visit may be counted and included in the total number of visits to this Website for statistical purpose. Such collection does not result in any personally identifiable data being collected or stored.
To ensure and enable us to provide quality and satisfactory services to you, Shun Tak may have to collect your personal data under various situations. For example, where you contact us we may store information such as your name, company, industry, postal address, e-mail address, type of request and possible further information for purpose of responding to your request. Such communications are not confidential and may be disclosed to our agents or professional advisors depending upon the purpose for which the information was provided. If you inform us that the information should not be used as a basis for future contact, we will respect your request.
Shun Tak will ensure that you will be clearly informed of the purpose(s) of collection and usage. You will be reminded in clear terms that you have the right to decline such collection of personal data and the corresponding implications, if any. Shun Tak may be unable to follow up and/or provide you with the requested services under certain circumstances if you fail to provide the required information.
Where you use this Website as a link to other websites, you are reminded that once the link is established you are no longer with Shun Tak’s website. Shun Tak has no control over these other websites and therefore Shun Tak hereby expressly disclaims all liability for adverse consequences that may arise where you should disclose your personal data to these websites.
Although Shun Tak will use its best endeavour to check, in so far as circumstances allow, that all data collected are accurate; you should ensure and should provide Shun Tak with data that are true, update, accurate and complete regard being had to the purpose(s) for which the personal data are collected.
Shun Tak will not retain your personal data for period longer than that where it will require such data for use.
Shun Tak will take reasonable steps and measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, processing or erasure. Access to the personal data collected without appropriate authorization is strictly prohibited. Authorizations are granted only on a “need to know” basis that is commensurate with the staff’s responsibilities and their training.
Shun Tak makes every effort to protect privacy of users, but given the nature of the Internet, Shun Tak cannot guarantee perfect security.
Unless permitted or required by law, or for the purpose for which you provide us the information, we will not disclose your personal data to any third parties without your prior consent.
Some of the services on this Website are provided by independent contractors. We are advised by the independent contractors that they do not collect personal identifiable information while providing services for this Website.
We use cookies across this Website in order to improve its performance and enhance your online experience. Session cookies are used to enable you to move around this Website and use essential functions on this Website, such as maintaining log-in details for the session such that the need to transfer information across the internet may be reduced. Website statistic tools are used to recognize repeat visitors to this Website in order to enable us to better understand how our users browse to and through this Website, the time they spend and how often they visit this Website, relying on which we can improve this Website. We will not collect any personal data from you when the cookies are being used.
In accordance with the Ordinance, persons who provided Shun Tak with their personal data are entitled to check with Shun Tak as to whether their personal data had been held and request access to such data. Shun Tak reserves the right to verify the identity of the persons requesting access and may refuse the request if the identity of such persons is in issue. Shun Tak will handle any such access requests promptly and a reply will be given in not more than 30 days counting from the date of receipt of the request.
Any data access request or data correction request may be made to our Data Protection Officer at enquiry@shuntakgroup.com.
Language versions
In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of this Website, the English version shall apply and prevail.