We are committed to contribute time and resources in environmental, social and governance aspects for sustainable business growth and development. In order to achieve our long-term sustainability journey, we interact with the communities, conserve the environment and operate in to create sustainable and recurring values for all our stakeholders.
Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and ethical standards of the place in which they operate or conduct business.
Suppliers shall operate honestly, fairly and ethically in every aspect of their business. They shall not tolerate, permit, or engage in any form of corruption, fraud, bribery, or similar misconduct.
Suppliers shall adopt appropriate responsible practices to reduce the environmental impacts of their operations, while providing products and services to us.
Suppliers shall not use forced, bonded, trafficked or indentured labour.
Suppliers will have in place communications mechanisms and grievance procedures that allow employees to raise concerns and complaints with management.
Supplier shall prohibit discrimination and harassment against any employee or any applicant for employment, whether such discrimination or harassment is based on gender, age, race, ethnic origin, marital status, maternal status, disability, sexual orientation or religion.
Suppliers shall take appropriate measures, such as policies, standards, procedures and training, to prevent occupational illnesses and work-related accidents as well as to provide a safe and healthy workplace to their employees.
Suppliers shall respect intellectual property rights of all original creations and shall not engage in any activities or use any unauthorized or pirated intellectual property which may pose direct or indirect adverse impact on Shun Tak Holdings Limited’s (“STHL”) reputation.
Suppliers shall not disclose any contract details or supply association with STHL or use any image or brand elements of STHL without express written consent from an authorized person of STHL.
Suppliers are encouraged to engage with and contribute to the local communities in which they operate or conduct business in order to help foster social and economic development and sustainability.