Shun Tak Holdings Limited has no relations with 「信德集團線上APP」or 「香港信德股票有限公司」


Key Financials

Balance Sheet HighlightsDownload

(HKD’ million)1H241H232023202220212020
Cash and bank balances7,7617,0976,6346,5387,8195,446
Bank borrowings / MTN16,28116,55615,54115,97217,72817,940
Equity attributable to owners of the Company30,88231,87831,71533,39235,36535,085
Gearing ratio 127.6%29.7%-28.1%28.3%28.0%35.6%
Book NAV per share (HKD)11.011.311.311.812.712.5
  1. Gearing ratio represents the ratio of net debt to equity attributable to owners of the Company