Shun Tak Holdings Limited has no relations with 「信德集團線上APP」or 「香港信德股票有限公司」


Policies & Statements

Business Ethics Statement

Shun Tak Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries (collectively “the Group”) believe that honesty, integrity and fair play are important company assets in business. It is important for all employees to ensure that the Group’s reputation is not tarnished by dishonesty, disloyalty or corruption.

Our Code of Conduct establishes the foundation for ethical business behaviour throughout our operations. It addresses aspects including bribery, fraud, extortion, money laundering, and anti-corruption. 

Our Whistleblowing Policy is in place to foster a culture of transparency and protect individuals associated with the Group, including employees, business associates, suppliers, and customers, free from any forms of retaliation when reporting potential wrongdoing or improper conduct in our daily operations.

We regularly arrange training sessions for our directors and employees on ethical work practice to enhance their understanding. Together, this ensures the interests of the Group’s stakeholders are protected, and our businesses can operate at the highest level of ethical integrity.